Friday, December 5, 2008


I know that it's been forever since I've written an entry here, but honestly, I've felt a little uninspired. Nothing new, nothing exciting going on at all. Which, isn't bad...just not post-worthy. Well friends, that all changed very recently. Jeff and I have some very exciting news to share with everyone! We're going to be parents!! PUPPY PARENTS!!!!

Meet our new puppy! We don't have a name yet, but that's okay because it'll still be a few weeks until she's old enough to come home with us! She is a Morkie-poo, a mix of Maltese, Yorkie and poodle, and she's about the cutest thing I've ever seen!! She is so little, you can almost fit her in your pocket. Or eat her, which is tempting because she IS SO CUTE!!!! I know I might be a little biased, but come on! Look at that sweet face!

So, here's where I need your input. I have some names I'm tossing around, Violet (because I really want to name a child that, but there's no way Jeff will allow it), Ruby, and Pearl. I like the idea of naming her a "people name" but not necessarily a name that a lot of people have. You know, not like Kathy or Linda or Phyllis, because seriously? Can you imagine calling that out loud? What do you all think? I'm open to ideas! You know what else I'm open to? ANY and ALL advise about puppies. What I should buy, how to house-train, anything! This is literally my very first puppy! I never eve had one as a kid, so I'm pretty clueless, but I know that a lot of you have great advise to give, so don't hold back!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Greatest Husband EVUH!!!

See this handsome man??

He is the best husband I've ever had. He's the only one I've ever had, but still. I've loved Jeff for several years now, but this week my love grew to a new level. Let me share the story.

Let me preface by explaining that although my favorite activities do not include cleaning house, I do it anyway, and our home is a fairly clean place. However, due to the changing season we have been noticing more bugs in our house lately. Earlier this week, I was getting ready for the day. I had just got out of the shower and was walking over to our bed where I had laid my clothes for the day out. As I walked closer I saw something so horrific I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw a ROACH*. A ROACH. Which really is bad enough, but this was no ordinary roach. No, no. It was HUGE, people, HUGE!!! I kid you not when I tell you it was as long as my index finger and as thick as my index finger and middle finger together! Oh, it gives me the hebbie gebbies just thinking about it. By this time, Jeff was already at work, so after I screamed like I've never screamed before and taking a second look just to make sure i hadn't hallucinated, I called my sweet husband. Unfortunately, not only was Jeff busy in a meeting and couldn't talk, but in the time I had taken to go and get my phone, my new friend had moved to an undisclosed location. Well, undisclosed to me anyway. So, I did what any woman would do, I got out of the house!!!

This is where my knight in shining armour comes into the story! As soon as Jeff was done with his meeting, he called me so I could explain what was going on. He was equally as grossed out and promised me he would be home as soon as he could that day. A few minutes after we hung up, he sent me this text message "Terminex tomorrow between 9 and 11." He immediately called Terminex, friends!!! Be still my heart, a man that takes (pest) control!!! The day flew by, and soon he was at home. With his presence in the house, I felt like it was okay for me to be there too, at least downstairs. While I waited, he went upstairs and took apart our ENTIRE bedroom to find the bug. Now, I'm not just talking he took the sheets off the bed, no no no. The man took the box springs and mattress off the bed!! He ripped apart everything until he found that stupid bug! Oh man, and he did find it and then it killed and then he flushed it down the toilet. My hero!!

Maybe to some, this may not seem like a big deal, but to me it was huge! It reminded me of something my dad would have done for me, and to have Jeff show that level of concern for my comfort and happiness, it just made me feel so loved! What can I say, flowers and candy do it for some people, pest control does it for me!

*According to the exterminator, it was an "American Roach", or a water bug. It differs from the "German Cockroach" that people associate with dirtiness and infestation. I thought it was kinda cool that we kept it real and just had the good old USA bug in our house. We are so patriotic, no?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Channeling my inner chef!

Even as recently as a year ago, not only was I completely disinterested in cooking, but I would go so far as to say I hated it. Well, I don't know if it was my new role as a wife or if aliens invaded my brain, but I have really taken a lot of joy in preparing meals and finding interesting recipes in the last 8 or 9 months! Who new cooking was so much fun! For Christmas last year my sister-in-law, and good friend, Jamie, made Jeff and I a cookbook of some of her favorite recipes. It really was an awesome gift as it gave me some good, easy recipes to start with! Lately, I've been making this salad in it that she labeled "Brett's Salad". Now, I don't know who Brett is, but I do know that this recipe (specifically the dressing) is seriously rocking my face off! It is so easy, and I've been eating it for the last two weeks, so I thought I would share it with all of you guys! Here you go...

Brett's Salad

Mixed greens 1 onion, sliced and diced
Blue Cheese or Feta crumbles Plain Walnuts
6-8 pieces of bacon, crumbled Raisins

Combine the above and prepare the following dressing

1/2 cup balsamic vinegar 1 clove of garlic, minced
1/4 cup Real maple syrup (must be real, it's kind of pricey, but totally worth it. I promise.)
1 cup oil 1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 cup olive oil 1/2 tsp. pepper

Toss with dressing just before serving.

Bon appetite...If you try it, let me know how you like it!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Weekend Wrapup...

Well, I've decided to start a blog. I think this will be a fun way to share what's going on in my life and to hopefully keep somewhat of an online record of what I've been up to! So here I go!

So this weekend was Regan and Joe's wedding and it was so much fun!!! The action all started with the personal shower where Regan got some really cute things to take on her honeymoon to Antigua! After the shower we headed downtown to have some drinks at the Colcord Lounge and from there we headed upstairs to a "Super Deluxe King Room", which in case you were wondering, does not translate into a suite! However, we all crammed in and had an awesome time. My friend Natalie entertained us all night long with many of her talents, which included dramatic skits and being the ringmaster of the name game. It was such a fun evening! The next day included brunch at Nonna's (which was awesome!) mani/pedi action and a delicious rehearsal dinner at The Greens.

This is Jeff and I right before we went into the dinner. Saturday evening was the wedding and it was totally beautiful. I have to say, of all the people I've been around about to get married (including myself) Regan was, by a landslide, the most laid back bride I've ever seen. She made the day feel very relaxed and comfortable and exciting! Here are some pictures of the wedding...

Regan and I in the bridal suite before the wedding

Natalie, Melanie, me and Ashley

Our GORGEOUS bouquets, Regan's was the same only larger

Regan and Joe's first dance. Sorry this is blurry, but either my camera is retarded or I don't know how to take a picture in low lighting. Stupid Camera.

So, that was most of the last part of the week and most of the weekend. Sunday Jeff and I tried out Crossings again (which we really enjoyed) and had a yummy lunch at the Panda Express. That place is so good and fresh, you should try it out! Sunday night my awesome father-in-law got us tickets to see Third Day, Jars of Clay and Switchfoot! It totally rocked (literally and figuratively) and was a great way to end a fantastic weekend!