Meet our new puppy! We don't have a name yet, but that's okay because it'll still be a few weeks until she's old enough to come home with us! She is a Morkie-poo, a mix of Maltese, Yorkie and poodle, and she's about the cutest thing I've ever seen!! She is so little, you can almost fit her in your pocket. Or eat her, which is tempting because she IS SO CUTE!!!! I know I might be a little biased, but come on! Look at that sweet face!
So, here's where I need your input. I have some names I'm tossing around, Violet (because I really want to name a child that, but there's no way Jeff will allow it), Ruby, and Pearl. I like the idea of naming her a "people name" but not necessarily a name that a lot of people have. You know, not like Kathy or Linda or Phyllis, because seriously? Can you imagine calling that out loud? What do you all think? I'm open to ideas! You know what else I'm open to? ANY and ALL advise about puppies. What I should buy, how to house-train, anything! This is literally my very first puppy! I never eve had one as a kid, so I'm pretty clueless, but I know that a lot of you have great advise to give, so don't hold back!!